Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have been busy nfor the last several week's getting ready for my big Craft Show this week-end (11-14-09). This show is a one day affair and we have around 800 ladies that will grace our show. We have a big variety of crafter's that set up for the show.

It looks like the weather is going to be nice for us and the two state ballgames are being played later in the evening so that will not hender the attendance.

I will have some picture's posted next week so you can see some of the item's I have to offer.

The newest item I have is making a pendant from a State quarter. I wire wrap the quarter in Sterlin Silver. I'm very proud of how they have turned out.

These will make great gift's for any occasion.

Have a nice week-end and on a sad note, let's remember the families and friend's of our Hero's at Fort Hood, Texas.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Sissy..I had to remove my comment as I had spelled your name with a C. It is listed with a C on the list I got it from.
    I imagine you are right now hard at work doing the craft show. I hope it goes wonderfully and that you sell a ton of things!
    I also notice you don't blog often...which means you are probably very busy. No matter...in case you pop back in, I just wanted to say hello!

  3. DearMona, I do sign my name with an S but for my business I use Cissy's so that it will flow nicely.

    I am very busy right now getting order's out for Christmas. I have several good order's for the State Quarter's so that has kept me busy.

    Good hearing from you and come back soon.

